AEC recently completed a Detailed Business Case for the establishment of a new Leisure Centre in an inner western Sydney Council. The proposed Leisure Centre is a best in breed facility and will feature:
A lap, program and splash pool
A fitness centre
An indoor basketball/ hard court arena
A creche, café and other amenities.
The Detailed Business Case was compliant with New South Wales Treasury Guidelines, recognising the importance of having shovel ready proposals readily available to take advantage of unexpected funding opportunities. The council involved also noted the importance of having the Business Case ready to support the use of developer contribution calculations.
The Detailed Business Case was a comprehensive study and included an assessment of the communities needs to ensure the facility would meet community expectations while also satisfying broader community objectives. A comprehensive review of the demographics and sporting habits of residents, along with competitor facilities within the catchment area was undertaken, to ensure that the facility would have sufficient demand to support its ongoing operation throughout the asset’s lifespan.
Once it was established that demand existed for the facility, concept designs and preliminary costs were developed by our professional architect and quantity surveyor partners. Based on the estimates of capital works costs, operating costs, and forecast revenue, the economic benefits of the facility were modelled, along with the long-term financial implications for Council.
This process demonstrated that not only would the expected socio-economic benefits for the local community and economy be achieved from the estimated 500,000 users of the facility, but that it would be financially sustainable (both now and into the future). This key aspect of the Detailed Business Case is how AEC adds value to its clients and differentiates itself from its competitors. Finally, an implementation plan was put in place to guide the council from investment decision through to the commencement of construction.
If you would like to learn more about how AEC can help you in undertaking feasibility studies and developing business cases for sports and recreation facilities, please contact the AEC Team.