Client: Grassroots Connections Australia Pty Ltd
State: QLD
This project involved a holistic functional review of the efficiency and effectiveness of Fraser Coast Regional Council's operational footprint under current and future anticipated infrastructure and service demands. The purpose of the project was to facilitate the determination of the optimal operational footprint for the delivery of Councils services while maximising operational collaboration, by identifying the best fit location of service areas and determining future resourcing requirements at each of these locations. The project objective was to locate and link Council's operational resources in the best way possible to serve the community as it continues to grow and to provide essential input into building design decisions for new administration centres in Hervey Bay and Maryborough. In addition to working as a key partner in the operational footprint review, AEC was also commissioned to undertake an assessment of Council's future service demands to determine potential resourcing implications across key office and facility locations by function focussing on the physical facilities and services provided to the community.