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Land Assessments and Property Market Analysis

Client: City of Parramatta State: NSW

Within the City of Parramatta Council LGA, there were nine separate contribution plans that apply to different parts of the LGA resulting in the merger and/or integration of five former/other councils, including Auburn City, Holroyd City, Hornsby Shire, Parramatta City and The Hills Shire. Council undertook a review of these contribution plans and is coordinating a synchronisation process including consolidation for land outside the Parramatta CBD region.

The City of Parramatta Council engaged AEC to provide land assessments underpinning the formulation of the new contributions plan(s), particularly as land will necessarily be required in enabling new infrastructure and amenities to be delivered for the City going forward.

To successfully review the contribution plans framework, Council required AEC to provide current market values of land parcels (and/or development sits) across various precincts and across various zonings within the LGA. To further assist Council in their review, the assessment provided detailed market analysis across various typologies of the residential marketing (including apartments, townhouses, villas, dual-occupancies etc.).

Source: Shutterstock


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