Client: Cassowary Coast Regional Council
State: QLD
This project involved a comprehensive review of the appropriateness of Cassowary Coast Regional Council's service delivery facilities in meeting current and future organisational and community needs, with an assessment undertaken of a range of alternative servicing options to identify a preferred option that allows for the rationalisation of facilities in a manner that achieved enhanced utilisation and operational efficiencies as well as ensuring high quality service provision and value for money to the community.
The assessment was undertaken following an onsite inspection of facilities, extensive consultation with Council management and staff, a review of population trends and community socio-demographic characteristics, a review of the location of assets and services across the region, a review of business practices and team alignment, and with consideration of the dependencies between service provision and various locations across the region.
A range of potential options for consideration by Council were developed and a preferred model identified for potential implementation over the medium to long term. Near-term actions were also identified to improve the productivity and operational efficiency of Council's facilities irrespective of the service delivery facility option selected as most appropriate by Council.
Source: AEC Image