Social & Community Services
The size and composition of the local population has broad-reaching implications for the demand parameters supporting key industries, services and facilities. Demonstrating the need and demand for key social and community services is essential in the delivery of business cases, funding applications and lobbying documentation to realise and deliver on community needs.
AEC maintains an extensive database of socio-demographic and economic datasets and benchmarks in an easily accessible and consistent format appropriate for use in demonstrating demand and need for key social and community services. This database is available and consistent for regions large and small across Australia. We utilise our baseline information to understand the pressing need in your community and then articulate the infrastructure and service programs required to deliver on this unmet need.
The services we offer:
Benchmarking & Comparative Assessment
Business Case Writing
Community, Consumer, Customer & Corporate Sentiment
Demand Assessments
Economic Impact Assessment
Grant & Funding Submissions
Market Analysis & Outlook Reporting
Employment & Skills Strategy
Socio-Demographic & Population Projections
For further information, contact one of our specialists below.